Showing posts with label Of Absolute Zero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Of Absolute Zero. Show all posts

Of Absolute Zero - Friday Morning Lyrics

NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'Friday Morning' by Of Absolute Zero

Make it friend with the wind
It brings me to the world
To find my destiny
Wind shows me the that truth
That a something cold
This inside of the gold

Should make friend with thunder
I’m afraid wait the wonder
Maybe, i will become offer
Search for my holder

Make it friends with the rain
Hold my breath to gain
The tears and feel delight
Rain gives me the reason
To dancing with my sin
And i wiil become your pain

Should make friend with thunder
I’m afraid wait the wonder
Maybe, i will become offer
Search for my holder

For stay in the sun
Warm and deep
Never let me drown
The way it burns my memory
This like a gun
This like a gun

Shoting but never hurting
Then laughing at the fun

Shoting but never hurting forever
Then laughing at the fun
Burning but never scorch till over
Then smiling with the sun

Let's Stream 'Friday Morning' by Of Absolute Zero

Disclaimer : Check this out! all the music video and lyrics Of Absolute Zero - Friday Morning provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song Of Absolute Zero - Friday Morning available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.

Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.

Of Absolute Zero - Selaksa Maya Lyrics

NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'Selaksa Maya' by Of Absolute Zero

Pada nuansa membiru
Layar gelap yang tertuju

Jutaan massa memaksa
Untuk memperlihatkannya

Berlaksa laksa
Sejagat maya tak kuasa
Menahan syahwatnya
Naungi langit kesumba

Melagukan sajaknya
Mempuisikan tanpa suara
Dan frasa di stanza
Mengudara di ruang hampa

Ruangnya terluaskan
Persona menjerumuskan

Mengigau kadang meracau
Berseringai senyum palsu

Berlaksa laksa
tak kuasa
Jutaan frasa

Sebuah refleksi dunia maya lewat single "Selaksa Maya" oleh Of Absolute Zero.

Let's Stream 'Selaksa Maya' by Of Absolute Zero

Disclaimer : Check this out! all the music video and lyrics Of Absolute Zero - Selaksa Maya provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song Of Absolute Zero - Selaksa Maya available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.

Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.