Minggu esok adus mruput
Gas tipis ning resepsimu
Nyekseni ijab kobul
Kowe ro bojomu
Setatusku mbiyen pacar
Saiki tamu undangan..
Kelangan kowe
Aku oleh ijol prasmanan
Rasane bingung iseh ra percoyo
Telong sasi wingi aku iseh pacarmu
Jebul saiki ono wong liyo
Rodo sedih pingin nangis tapi kok wagu
Awale indah kini berantakan
Kabeh cerito mbok rampungi nganggo undangan
Aku gagah teko neng resepsinan
Kowe sesandingan tak tinggal nyanyi dangdutan
Aku ngerti.. lala..
Yen atiku mung tok nggo rekreasi
Aku sadar
Ku relakan walaupun sedikit ambyar
Minggu esok adus mruput
Gas tipis ning resepsimu
Nyekseni ijab kobul
Kowe ro bojomu
Setatusku mbiyen pacar
Saiki tamu undangan..
Kelangan kowe
Aku oleh ijol prasmanan
Aku rumongso rung iso nyenengke
Nuntut urip penak ku ra kuat sanggane
Mlaku taunan dadi ra ono gunane
Tiwas sayang dadi ra penak atine
Reti-reti aku nampani undangan
Ono jenengmu aku bingung ra karuan
Mbiyen pacar saiki aku dadi mantan
Dadi saksimu pas munggah neng pelaminan
Aku ngerti.. lala..
Yen atiku mung tok nggo rekreasi
Aku sadar
Ku relakan walaupun sedikit ambyar
[NIA Kecil]
Alasanku mileh dek'e
Mergo kowe nyepelekke
Kerep pedhot
Bertahan soyo abot
Kowe ra tau peduli
Sedangkan dek'e gemati
Sampai jumpa goodbye sayang
Aku rabi
Minggu esok adus mruput
Gas tipis ning resepsimu
Nyekseni ijab kobul
Kowe ro bojomu
Setatusku mbiyen pacar
Saiki tamu undangan
Kelangan kowe
Aku oleh ijol prasmanan
Let's Stream 'TAMU UNDANGAN' by XALUNA ft NIA Kecil
Disclaimer : Check this out! all the music video and lyrics XALUNA ft NIA Kecil - TAMU UNDANGAN provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned.
Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song XALUNA ft NIA Kecil - TAMU UNDANGAN available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.
Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.
Enjoy the share of Lirik Lagu XALUNA ft NIA Kecil - TAMU UNDANGAN lyrics.