Ibarate udan yo sing biso lali
Ambi mendung lan sworo petire
Ibarate bumi yo sing biso lali
Ambi lintang lan langit bengine
Lilo isun lilo
Kadung nyawang riko ambi wong liyo
Welas isun welas
Tapi isun kepekso kudu ikhlas
Isun pendem banyu moto iki
Myakne riko sing ngerteni
Saktenane nong njero ati
Sun ketaton perih
Isun pendem banyu moto iki
Myakne riko sing ngerteni
Saktenane nong njero ati
Sun ketaton perih
Ibarate udan yo sing biso lali
Ambi mendung lan sworo petire
Ibarate bumi yo sing biso lali
Ambi lintang lan langit bengine
Lilo isun lilo
Kadung nyawang riko ambi wong liyo
Welas isun welas
Tapi isun kepekso kudu ikhlas
Isun pendem banyu moto iki
Myakne riko sing ngerteni
Saktenane nong njero ati
Sun ketaton perih
Isun pendem banyu moto iki
Myakne riko sing ngerteni
Saktenane nong njero ati
Sun ketaton perih
Let's Stream 'KETATON' by SYAHIBA feat ILUX

Disclaimer : Check this out! all the music video and lyrics SYAHIBA feat ILUX - KETATON provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned.
Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song SYAHIBA feat ILUX - KETATON available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.
Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.
Enjoy the share of Lirik Lagu SYAHIBA feat ILUX - KETATON lyrics.