NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'Kehilangan' by Fogo Twentyfour Feat Evin (Kias kata)
Terhapuslah mimpi untuk kita bisa bersama
Menyisakan cerita hanyalah kenangan
Sungguh aku tak percaya telah kehilanganmu
Seakan hidup tak dapat lagi ku jelang
Mengertilah saat kudisini
Bernafas untukmu
Dengarkanlah, saat hatiku
Merintih memanggil namamu
Terhimpitku disini melawan semua ini
Ku terjatuh saat kau pergi tinggalkanku
Kuatkan hatiku selama aku mampu
Terangi jalanku disaat aku terjatuh
Sungguh ku tak bisa kehilanganmu 4x
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Let's Stream 'Kehilangan' by Fogo Twentyfour Feat Evin (Kias kata)

Disclaimer : Check this out! all the music video and lyrics Fogo Twentyfour - Kehilangan Feat Evin (Kias kata) provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned.
Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song Fogo Twentyfour - Kehilangan Feat Evin (Kias kata) available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.
Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.
Enjoy the share of Lirik Lagu Fogo Twentyfour - Kehilangan Feat Evin (Kias kata) lyrics.