[Lirik Lagu] Octopus - There Is Something So Deep Lyrics | NoteLirik - Musik memang tidak akan lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita karena dengan mendengarkan musik kita mendapatkan banyak manfaat seperti penghilang stres, pengusir jenuh, teman saat sendiri, atau metode untuk relaksasi tubuh bahkan banyak diantara kita musik sebagai media merenung saat sedang galau, benar tidak? Baiklah untuk itu NoteLirik sudah membuat dan menyiapkan tulisan lirik lagu dengan seksama, maka judul dari tulisan ini adalah Octopus - There Is Something So Deep Lyrics.
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Octopus - There Is Something So Deep Lyrics
NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'There Is Something So Deep' by Octopus
This not like the choice what i want
Leaving my mind like now
Feels much heavier, and you come around my mind
Makes my brain break apart
I know this is wrong
I don't know how this can happen
I want to stop this habit
I was so scared like somebody hunt me
how long till end ?
there is no answer to all of this
tired of being like this, drifting in the current
so much more and more hurt than before
every second of my mind is there you round me
One thing I do not know why
God does not give a miracle to this one thing
Even though I tried, it was all useless
And this is so imaginary, but it's fuckin happening
My mind keeps trying to keep it there
until whenever I will never understand
as far as any you can clear
your mind we are leave for alive we are afraid
Let's Stream 'There Is Something So Deep' by Octopus

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