Lirik eleventwelfth - hollow

[Lirik Lagu] Lirik eleventwelfth - hollow | NoteLirik - Musik memang tidak akan lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita karena dengan mendengarkan musik kita mendapatkan banyak manfaat seperti penghilang stres, pengusir jenuh, teman saat sendiri, atau metode untuk relaksasi tubuh bahkan banyak diantara kita musik sebagai media merenung saat sedang galau, benar tidak? Baiklah untuk itu NoteLirik sudah membuat dan menyiapkan tulisan lirik lagu dengan seksama, maka judul dari tulisan ini adalah Lirik eleventwelfth - hollow.

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Lirik eleventwelfth - hollow

NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'hollow' by eleventwelfth

how'd i help you to defeat every fragments of your own misgivings?
for the reason that i’m not as straight as an arrow.

alone with our tantrum, gets you tired then you started to swear.
we overreacted and shouted out all the things that we're going to fail.

a bit too close for comfort, push you more than you've already bear.
on the verge of collapse, you've been dying to tell that our plan wouldn't go well.

pardon me, i’ve not been listening.

can i ask you to repeat?
because i don't think i followed all the questions that you tweaked.
both of you and i we're hollow.
we're a fraction to complete, filled each other with our flawed perceiving.
allow me to cover my gap with your sorrow.

there are safety in numbers, i’ll inform you if you're unaware.
as a matter of fact, to a pleasant surprise we'll escape from our own hell.

Let's Stream 'hollow' by eleventwelfth

****Disclaimer : Music video and lyrics of the song eleventwelfth - hollow provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip eleventwelfth - hollow is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.

If you like the song lirik lagu eleventwelfth - hollow lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist.****

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