[Lirik Lagu] Kekal - Quiet Eye Lyrics | NoteLirik - Musik memang tidak akan lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita karena dengan mendengarkan musik kita mendapatkan banyak manfaat seperti penghilang stres, pengusir jenuh, teman saat sendiri, atau metode untuk relaksasi tubuh bahkan banyak diantara kita musik sebagai media merenung saat sedang galau, benar tidak? Baiklah untuk itu NoteLirik sudah membuat dan menyiapkan tulisan lirik lagu dengan seksama, maka judul dari tulisan ini adalah Kekal - Quiet Eye Lyrics.
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Kekal - Quiet Eye Lyrics
NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'Quiet Eye' by Kekal
"behold, i am with you always, until the end of the age"
observe the signs of times with quiet eye
and contemplate these events in silence
as we are approaching quantum resolution
when earth is to be made new in cosmic reclamation
the day of tribulation is the day of purification
with love, we shall cross beyond the boundaries of spacetime
open the portals into new dimensions of eternity
where souls to be released from spiraling bondage
as it was prophesied so will it become
redemption has been done, captives are now free
unclouded is the destination of oneness eternal
with christ in me, we make complete reattachment
vibrations increasing as consciousness shifting
feel this truth as the flow of divine energy
connecting us to the source once again
and we will no longer fall back to sleep
embrace mystical transformation
enter the course of knowing god
our guiding spirit is the light that shines
through this process of becoming
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