[Lirik Lagu] Lirik Redsix - Survival Gear | NoteLirik - Musik memang tidak akan lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita karena dengan mendengarkan musik kita mendapatkan banyak manfaat seperti penghilang stres, pengusir jenuh, teman saat sendiri, atau metode untuk relaksasi tubuh bahkan banyak diantara kita musik sebagai media merenung saat sedang galau, benar tidak? Baiklah untuk itu NoteLirik sudah membuat dan menyiapkan tulisan lirik lagu dengan seksama, maka judul dari tulisan ini adalah Lirik Redsix - Survival Gear.
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Lirik Redsix - Survival Gear
NOTELIRIK | Lyrics for 'Survival Gear' by Redsix
Concentrate, take time to listen and collect
I’m here to guide you on, make sure you’ve gotten gone
Calibrate, you’ve got a lot you have to set
I’m here to show you dawn, broken roads you walk upon
Telling tales of valor
And all we won't forget
Why haven't we mastered it yet
If I were to always stay
How long could i get my way
It’s only a matter of time
To see all that fades to grey
To walk through another day
The view questions all that we climb
We all deny we’ve wasted our vigor
Eyes behind a trigger
But bones that don’t work again
Are bones that won’t see an end
Where has it gone, my instant injection
My endless supply of vicious momentum
We’ve started a hopeless trend
Of using what we can’t spend
Telling tales of valor
And all we won't forget
Finding words to tell her
We haven't found it yet
This mark it lasts forever
An ever present threat
Why haven't we mastered it yet
I’m tired of old remains
Of times that were brighter and great
A moment where i could've done more than I always did
Where was I then
Let's Stream 'Survival Gear' by Redsix
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